Filip Luypaert

We all run to save and sustain lives

( Member of team: Baxter for Stopdarmkanker )

In 2013 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. From that moment till Novemeber 2015 I received several treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy and 4 surgical interventions. In January 2016 my scan showed no more activity. Since that day I am so grateful that I have been given this opportunity. 

Since 2016 we run yearly the 10 miles of Antwerp to support stopdarmkanker. Their goal is to inform all of us on the risks of coloncancer. More importantly you personally have the opportunity to try to anticipate the diagnosis by accepting a test. As such you have a higher probability to avoid being confronted with a very difficult situation.

Being active is key for a healthy lifestyle. Please support our team with a donation so stopdarmkanker can continue to play its role in avoiding coloncancer to remain a silent killer.



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De vzw "Stop Darmkanker", opgericht in 2012 door maagdarmspecialist Dr. Luc Colemont, is een dynamische, niet-gesubsidieerde en onafhankelijke NGO. Ons motto is "Kennis delen kan levens redden". De kennis over darmkanker is bij het brede publiek, de zorgverstrekkers en beleidsmakers nog ontoereikend. Eén op 20 personen wordt ooit met deze ziekte geconfronteerd. Als vroegtijdig ontdekt is er méér dan 90% kans op genezing. Onze vzw wil door acties en campagnes, informatie en voorlichting geven.